Burkina Faso youths demand French soldiers to leave

Up-date: Burkina Faso youths demand the French soldiers to leave.

For almost three days, the youths of Kaya who maintain the view that French soilders are providing support in form of armoury to the jihadist when they are supposed to assist the country to fight against the jihadist, have stood firm to stop the French military convoy from passing through the metropolis to Niger. French troops reportedly fired warning shots at the human blockade in the city of Kaya – Burkina Faso in trying to disperse the protesters and pass through to Niger. According to the locals, the warning shots ended up hitting some protestors who are presently receiving treatment.

Speaking to reporters, an indigene of Kaya identified Mahamadi Sawadogo said: “Today they shot at us with heavy weapons. They first shot in the air and they shot at us and wounded people. Is that normal?” He said that “you (the French Troops) are in our country, despite the fact that you colonized Africans there are things you must not do.”

This incident started when the youths demanded the French troops to open their vehicles for inspection of firearms and any suspicious item supplied to the Jihadists in the region. The French troops’ refusal to be searched has kept them behind the blockade for days, which has resulted in protesters being injured. 

Negotiation attempts by the authorities with the youth proved futile as they remained adamant. The Burkinabe government had yet to make any statement concerning the stand-off in Kaya. The African Union and human rights organisations remained mute about the continuing situation in the West African country.

The French troops have become unpopular. Despite their presence, insecurity has grown even worse. 

France deployed approximately 5,000 troops in the Sahel, covering countries including Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Chad with expectation to combat extremism in the region. 

Articles: 70

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