Mandatory Vaccination for Nigerian Civil Servants

Nigeria has Declared Mandatory Covid-19 Vaccination for Civil Servants.

Mandatory Covid 19 vaccination is now standard for civil servants in Nigeria. Authorities in Nigeria have continued to receive mixed reactions over the announcement of compulsory Covid 19 vaccination of workers. Without proof of being vaccinated or proof of a negative test for the disease civil servants in Nigeria will not be allowed into their offices. In Abuja, some civil servants have said the mandatory is uncivil and unacceptable. Some workers’ reaction has been that of not willing to take a vaccine even if it costs them their job as long as their money is paid then, no problem. Others have applauded the government saying it is a very good decision but they wish the government would be more lenient or a more friendly approach in enforcing the rule. Many federal workers have been visiting vaccination centres to get vaccinated since the enforcement began.

The Association of Senior Officials of Nigeria has asked the government to grant them until March next year to allow most workers to get vaccinated. Mwansat Hirse, a legal practitioner, says workers have limited options in this issue and that they have a duty to support the community in which they reside. as stated in the constitution. He also said that the government develops policies to regulate it. So it is not inappropriate that the government has taken steps to restrict access to public places, including government offices. He added that citizens should support the government in its efforts to overcome the current challenge of global health. Nigeria joins a growing number of countries around the world whose governments are forcing COVID19 vaccinations on officials.

Like countries over the world, civil servants in Nigeria have been mandated to take Covid-19 vaccines. Several countries have adopted mandatory COVID19 vaccination policies for their workforce, although others are implementing other restrictions for unvaccinated people. However, while some health experts claim that even though such a policy cannot be scientifically proven, there is a need to protect more Nigerians from infection, others insist that such a mandatory policy must heed the recommendation of the World Health Organization that it is always preferable that health interventions are accepted without constraint.

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