New directives by Anambra Police Commissioner

Anambra CP has directed hotels to submit guest lists daily to divisional police headquarters.

Anambra police commissioner, Echeng Eworo has called on hotels in the state to submit guest lists to the nearest divisional police headquarters daily. This announcement was made as part of the new security measures for the state as there has been a wave of attacks by armed men in recent months. These attacks have led to kidnappings and killings, including the murder of Chike Akunyili, husband of the late Dora Akunyili, former Minister of Information and Communications.

Tochukwu Ikenga, spokesman for Anambra police, on Sunday told state hospitals to admit people in need of medical attention but to promptly report anyone with gunshot wounds or any related injuries to the nearest police station. Police urged residents to cooperate with security officers as part of their efforts to tackle insecurity in the state. Police also urged the residents to promptly report any suspicious movement in their environment to the nearest police station or call the emergency number 112 or the control room number: 07039194332, the statement read. “Promptly report any lost vehicle to the nearest police station or call the emergency or control room number, 112 and 07039194332 respectively.” Parents and guardians were also urged by the police to pay close attention to their children’s or wards activities, as anyone caught having broken the security directive would be made to face the brunt of the law. Members of the public have also been urged to desist jungle justice and report suspects to the nearest police station. Eworo also called on the residents of Anambra to obey the state directive on banning vehicles with tinted windows and covered license plates. He assured the public of the commitment of security operatives to protecting lives and property in the state.

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